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"Before you assume, learn the fact.  Before you judge, understand why.  Before speak, think" - Buddha

Individual & Group Assessments

 We all have preferred patterns of behavior that shape and define how we appear in the world around us.  Our preferred behaviors are easy and come naturally - requiring little thought or energy for us to engage in them.  Other behaviors are less natural.  We may be able to adapt to them and engage in them but they require some effort and may leave us feeling less energized.

And then there are those behaviors that we just hate having to do and avoid at all costs.

There is power of having an awareness of self both individually and a group.  If an introvert is in a role that requires much social interaction, this can cause much disruption in how they work.  However, by having the awareness of self, the employee can make a conscious effort to modify behavior. 

Through the assessment process I can work with an individual or group and provide exercises that will increase their self awareness, which ultimately leads to higher levels of performance.

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